The world goes on, stupid and brutal...
...but I do not. I DO NOT.
posted over 11 years ago
Okay, some of you guys on myUMBC (I'll name no name) have been giving me flak for being into Touhou (or something else maybe), for being a n00b to forums, or simply for disagreeing with you. Sometimes, I have reacted violently to your harassment. I confess that. But now I have realized that that is the stuff forums are made of, and that the forum of the great UMBC is not excepted, and just to let it slide. Now three great tragedies have happened in my life. First my beloved fish socks wore out beyond repair, then my beloved uncle died, then when the government shut down, my dad was left out of a job. These have caused me stress, and I realize that the natural outlet for that stress is an online forum, but I have decided to refrain from letting my stress make me post angry comments. I now realize that the world is stupid and brutal, but the best I can do is to rise above the stupidity and brutality and be the better man. Unfortunately, myUMBC is no place for white knights. As such, I have decided to be a reduced presence on the forums, and to only comment when I feel my input is truly needed or when I think of something truly witty to contribute. So, expect to see a lot less of me, as I am sure you already have.