Perhaps it is time we put our partisan differences aside
posted over 11 years ago
It is time that we stopped pointing fingers at republicans and democrats and accepted that the issue is simply that our ENTIRE government has clearly stopped serving the American people (in my opinion it serves American money these days). Or they are just impressively incompetent. Stop listening to your FOX and MSNBC and look at the cold hard facts:
1.) Congress has failed miserably to keep the government running and it is costing the country billions of dollars.
2.) The last two wars we have been involved in are almost universally considered to have been mistakes and/or badly run. And just as we were getting out of them, we tried to start another unpopular war with Syria.
3.) Our defense budget is 6-7 times higher than our closest competitor (China), and higher than the next 20 countries combined. Why? Just in case the entire world attacks us at the same time? I call bullshit.
4.) We spend more money than any other country on education, yet we aren't even close to the best educated citizens.
And on and on and on. These are not partisan issues, these are problems of a badly functioning government. You may disagree with some of my points, but you cannot deny that our government has problems. So stop saying, "These damn republicans" or "stupid liberals" and take a good look at how your own party is represented in the national government. Think. Don't just mindlessly spit out what a pundit told you. No, THINK! Think about whether their choices are good for our country in the long run. Think about whether fifty years from now, you are going to regret jacking off to some TV anchor while politicians slowly killed America. Think about how you can change your country for the better.