MD new gun laws.
clearing some stuff up
posted over 11 years ago
So I read the bill, and I'll link it. The bill is confusing to say the least. For instance, on page five, it has some weird language. It states basically that with the exception for law enforcement officials and historical demonstrations, ammunition is illegal.
Whatever, getting to the point I misunderstood the bill and wanted to clear it up for any gun owners out there or anyone just curious with Owemalley's assault on "assault weapons."
So, first of all, anything you had before October 1, is grandfathered in. You don't need to reregister (something I thought we were supposed to do), if you have "high capacity magazines" meaning anything that holds over 10 rounds they're fine, and ammunition is perfectly legal. However, the transfer, sale, whatever is now illegal. Basically, if you live and die in the state of MD, once you die, all of your newly illegal firearm stuff, belongs to the state. You are not allowed to pass these things down in your will, kinda odd, whatever. You're also not allowed to sell any of your newly illegal stuff, or gift it, or whatever.
So now, if you want to purchase a gun, you're going to need to take an 8 hour safety course, pay for a background check, and pay to get fingerprinted, and your registration will expire every 3 years. You're gonna have to go through this process, every 3 years. Pain in the ass, whatever.
They also included a clause to make firearms legal or whatever for "educational purposes" so things like gun clubs and such shouldn't be affected.
In my honest opinion this is the government of MD's attempt to slowly faze out firearms as a whole while giving us just enough to were there's no panic or protest or whatever. The second appeal to this law recently went in (the first one failed) and the AG is already basically saying, no, you're too late. Of course I read that tidbit on ABC new's site, so I have no idea if that's actually accurate or not.
I went down to the State Police Barracks to reregister and pay for my fingerprints and background check and all that and the officer was kind enough to explain this stuff to me. It seems directly contradictory to the language in the actual bill, but whatever, I'll take his word for it. There might be a grandfather clause in there somewhere that I'm not seeing.
Either way, what MD has defined as "assault weapon" (which aren't assault weapons but we'll breeze right past that clear display of ignorance) are now illegal for NEW owners. Same goes for "high capacity magazines" and pretty much if Piers Morgan and Joe Biden don't like it, it's probably illegal now (lol, use those idiots as your guide). NEW owners of handguns will need to go through this procedure of weird background checks and fingerprinting. If you already had your handguns and whatever, your registration won't expire and you don't have to do all this nonsense. Also bear in mind, that pretty all transferring is illegal. You can't gift, sell, transfer, pass down, whatever, any of this stuff, it's going to have to go through a licensed dealer and get approved and taxed to high heaven.
Hope this helps, MD can kiss Benelli and Beretta's tax dollars good bye, they're already taxing us for rain, I wonder what creative way of robbing us they'll come up with next to make up for this. I watched an interview with the CEO of Beretta and they've already expressed interest in moving to TX, and he said Beretta contributes about $30 mil in taxes annually to the state. That's a lot of money, not to mention the jobs that'll be lost. I bet they'll try the breathing tax again...
That was off topic, if yall have more questions or whatever, I'll do my best to answer, or find the answer. I know for one, I'm not going to jail for some stupid weapons violation shit so I try my best to be well informed but the gun hating Dems make it difficult. Likewise, I don't want any other gun owners going to jail for being misinformed or blissfully ignorant to the law or whatever, so if you have a question, fuckin ask. If you want a more direct answer just call the MD State Police Barracks and they'll be happy to answer whatever, or I guess you can go down to the barracks if you really want.