Tuesday, March 6, 6 p.m. in the Albin O. Kuhn Library and Gallery with reception to follow
Shelley Niro (Mohawk, b. 1954) will speak about her art practice, including her work in the current exhibition in the library gallery, Our People, Our Land, Our Images.
Niro received her MFA from the University of Western Ontario, is an award-winning multi-disciplinary artist and member of the Six Nations Reserve, Turtle Clan, Bay of Quinte Mohawk.Niro, who received her MFA from the University of Western Ontario, is an award-winning multi-disciplinary artist and member of the Six Nations Reserve, Turtle Clan, Bay of Quinte Mohawk.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018, 4 p.m. in room 132, Performing Arts and Humanities Building
Dr. Alfreda Murck, author of Poetry and Painting in Song China, The Subtle Art of Dissent and previous Associate Curator of Asian Art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art will present a lecture on the work of Lo Ch’ing, the poet-painter. The lecture places the artist in the context of the millennia-long tradition of Chinese landscape painting and coincides with the CADVC exhibition, The Poet’s Brush: Chinese Ink Paintings by Lo Ch’ing. Connie Rosemont will introduce Dr. Murck, the CADVC’s project, and her involvement with the Lo Ch’ing interview for the exhibition catalog.
Image: Shelley Niro’s GIRLS, 2006. Digital print. Courtesy of the artist.