Yum Shoppe
Help us make your Yum Shoppe even better!
posted almost 10 years ago
Please let us know what you would like to see in the Yum Shoppe. Or you can let us know if you think we are doing a great job!
Are you following @yumshoppe on twitter? If not, follow us. If you are, let us know if you like the promos and sales we have currently been running or give us some ideas on what you would like to see.
Your opinion matters, you are the reason we do what we do!
Give us some feed back!
-Your Yum Shoppe
(edited almost 10 years ago)
Selected Answer...
Thank you everyone! We see the need for more vegan and vegetarian options, along with the need for fresh produce and quick meal making options (bread & eggs). If you would like to tell us more of your ideas you can e-mail me directly at EMcGonigle@umbc.edu or tweet us @YumShoppe. Thank you!!