Commons, Main Street:
Wednesday, May 17th, 9am to 3:30pm
Thursday, May 18th, 9am to 3:30pm
Friday, May 19th, 9am to 3:30pm
Monday, May 22nd, 9am to 4:30pm
Tuesday, May 23rd, 9am to 4:30pm
Wednesday, May 24th, 9am to 4:30pm
FREE Refreshments
Serving complimentary beverages. Come get your lemonade or iced tea, or ¿por qué no los dos?
Stress Free Coloring Table
Stressing about final exams? Take a break from studying and join us at our
coloring table within the Bookstore! Also, make sure to enter your name in
the raffle for a FREE coloring book and set of color pencils!
Wheel of SurPrizes
Sell to spin! Sell your books at the Buyback and Rental Return counter for
the opportunity to spin the Wheel of SurPrizes*! Perhaps you'll receive
Bookstore Bob Bucks, or maybe you'll receive a Mystery Prize, who knows?
Don't miss out!
*Successful Buyback transaction required to spin.
For more information visit: