Here is a quick rundown of the functionality of the extramural funding systems of some of the major Federal sponsors. If you have any questions please contact OSP and if we don’t have the answer we will do our best to find out in this highly fluid situation. Of course we are all hoping for a quick resolution.
NSF and Fastlane are down for the duration of the shutdown. Basically you should continue to work on any funded NSF projects but other than that NSF is shutdown. Presumably once the shutdown is over they will allow for submission of any proposals that had submit dates during the shutdown. This is usually on extremely short turn around so we advise that you still have any proposals completed and ready to upload to Fastlane on short notice.
So far there is very limited information out of NIH. During the 2013 shutdown it was advised not to submit proposals during the shutdown but we have not been able to find specific information for 2018. On the DHHS page is says that no action will be taken on extramural awards during the shutdown. I would suggest going ahead and having any workspace packages completed. At this time it appears and NIH Commons are up and running. Work should continue on already funded NIH awards.
NOAA’s Grants Online system is not functioning during any shutdown. Unfortunately NOAA has not made any statements about proposal submission. If you have a proposal due during the shutdown we would advise going ahead and completing the proposal in Work Space so we can attempt to submit during the deadline. Work should continue on already funded NOAA awards.
Again, specific advice on NASA proposals is a bit hard to come by. Best guess is that they will follow the same as the notice for government proposers which is that deadlines missed during the shutdown will be extended (see link below). In November NASA submitted an updated plan for shutdowns but it does not include proposal submission. That plan is also linked below. Work should continue on currently funded NASA awards. NSPIRES does appear to be functioning.
This is what we know as of 8:00 this morning (1/22/2018). As we receive new information we will update this group. For any questions please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs.