DATE: February 22, 2018
TO: Faculty and Staff
FROM: Dean Drake
Associate VP for Research
SUBJECT: OSP Deadline for Proposal Submissions
OSP requests that you deliver your full, ready to submit extramural funding proposal to the Office of Sponsored Programs at least three (3) UMBC business days prior to the submission deadline. This 3-day period should help to eliminate most errors in processing. OSP will review and submit your proposal. If any changes are needed, OSP will communicate those changes to your unit.
An “expedited review” is available to assist principal investigators in the proposal application process to allow an internal review at the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to occur before the application is fully completed. This expedited review requires only the cover page, abstract, detailed budget and budget justification, and any necessary documentation such as IACUC or IRB approval/application letters as well as budgets, scope of work, sub-award commitment form and commitment letters for any subcontracts included in the project. A copy of the complete proposal must subsequently be submitted to OSP three UMBC business days prior to the sponsor deadline.
Kuali Proposal and Budget System now provides the opportunity for the PI and Department Administrator to work with the OSP Support Staff at any stage of proposal development process and before the proposal is submitted for signature approvals. OSP suggests everyone take advantage of collaborating early with your OSP Support Person on your project and budget.
On-time submissions gives OSP a chance to complete a full review. Late submissions may lead to errors and omissions and can result in your proposal being rejected for funding by the sponsoring agency.
Thank you for your assistance. We aim to provide a high-quality level service to our research community, and your cooperation is critical. If you have any questions, please contact me at, or Stan Jackson, OSP Director at