Hello WFN,
We hope this finds you and your loved ones doing as well as can be hoped or expected.
We're looking for volunteers to meet with candidates for the Diversity Postdoc Fellowships during their virtual interviews later this semester. Autumn tells us that these interviews will be scheduled from 11/16-12/11 and they are expecting "up to 11" of them. Of course, not all of these candidates will be in CAHSS or interested in chatting with WFN representatives, so we don't anticipate that this will too burdensome. If you might be available for a virtual chat with a potential postdoc colleague, can you please let us know (adelman@umbc.edu and tbhalla@umbc.edu) by Wednesday, November 11? By volunteering, you aren't actually committing to a meeting yet, just letting us add you to the list of people we will contact when we get a request.
As far as we know, there will be no other faculty searches in CAHSS this year, so we think this is the only time we'll be asking for volunteers to help with this work.
Thank you for considering it.
Take care,
Tamara and Rebecca