Over the weekend, power to the entire campus had to be cut due to an accident off campus. When the campus power was turned off, the emergency power transfer switch in our sub-basement failed to engage, leaving us with no emergency power. Luckily the planned outage was limited to 3 hours, but critical systems on the emergency power were inoperable.
All emergency outlets were non-functional as were building chilled water pumps and access card readers.
Facilities is planning on running multiple tests tomorrow morning from 4:00 - 5:00 AM to determine the cause of the failure. This will entail cutting power to the entire building to assess the operation of the transfer switch.
There will be multiple outages over the test period, so any critical equipment you may have; including desktop computers and monitors should be turned off this evening before you leave for the day.
I will be meeting with facilities tomorrow afternoon to review the findings and and discuss our course of action. I will let everyone know of the findings and keep everyone in the loop as we proceed.
I apologize for the problems caused by this outage. We seemed to encounter the worst case scenario all across the board.
Thank you for your understanding.