Casting Your Whole Vote means working to build community and address challenges collectively every day, not just on Election Day. Here are four timely opportunities for members of the UMBC community to stay engaged and work together:
STRiVE is a five-day immersive experiential learning program for undergraduate students held off-campus during Winter Break. STRiVE’s intensive and engaging curriculum supports participants in developing critical thinking, leadership, community engagement, and cultural organizing skills. Well over 99% of the hundreds of UMBC students who have participated in STRiVE said they would recommend the experience to a friend. STRiVE 2021 will take place virtually from January 11-15, 2021. The application is due THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH at 11:59pm.
Alternative Spring Break (ASB) is a five-day immersive learning experience held during Spring Break. Participants think critically about social issues in Baltimore and develop skills in problem solving, community building, and storytelling. They meet with and learn from community partners, government officials, and scholars to develop a sophisticated understanding of local resources and challenges and lay the groundwork for long-term collective civic action. Alternative Spring Break 2021 will take place virtually from March 15-19, 2021. The application is due on Monday, November 23rd at 11:59 p.m.
After the Election: A Conversation with UMBC Legislators is an opportunity to engage with the District 12 legislators who represent UMBC and the surrounding communities in the Maryland General Assembly. This program provides an opportunity to talk in small groups about important issues, and learn about pathways for anyone, independent of their major or role on campus, to contribute to the civic health of our community. After the Election will take place virtually on November 18, 2020 from 5:00 - 7:00pm. RSVP here while spots are available but no later than Tuesday, November 17th.
The Civic Courage Journaling Project creates space for individual reflection on personal experiences with important civic implications. UMBC student, faculty, staff, and alumni journal bearers respond to prompts from the Center by creating entries in their journals and discussing them at monthly journal bearer gatherings. The next Civic Courage Journaling Project gathering will take place virtually on Friday, November 20th from 3:15 - 4:45pm. Sign up any time by sending an email indicating your interest to