Circle K International
Student Organization • 17 people
Files / CKI Newsletters

UMBC CKI Newsletters!

Hello Fellow CKI'ers!

A new file folder has been uploaded on our myUMBC page: CKI Newsletters! This folder stores all of the newsletters that have/will be made by the Public Relations Officer and is open for all CKI members/affiliates to read at their pleasure. 

Newsletters have information regarding the month that they correlate with, as well as the academic year. They have content such as important news of the month to pictures of past service events. 

This page will also store them for historical purposes as a way for CKI of UMBC to present information from previous years. 

If you have any questions about Newsletters, please feel free to ask any CKI officer for assistance. 

~Live to Serve, Love to Serve~