Open house: Taking the pulse of the UMBC community
11 a.m. – 2 p.m., The Commons Main Street
Stop by Main Street in The Commons to share a brief message about your thoughts on the intersection of science and faith and get the dialogue started with your peers. Staff will be available to help facilitate conversation.
Workshop for Researchers: Science communication and engagement with religious publics
Noon – 4 p.m., Library 7th Floor - walk-ins are welcome!
Are you involved in public science engagement, or thinking about it? Are you interested in promoting dialogue about science with a broader spectrum of individuals and communities? Are you concerned about effectively navigating potential tensions at the intersections of science, culture, and faith in your classroom, your laboratory, on social media, in policy discussions, or in public settings? Then this workshop is for you. It is geared toward STEM researchers. The limit is 50 participants and as of tonight we are not at capacity per registration, so walk-ins will be welcome, including undergraduate researchers, as space allows.
Public Panel: Science engagement and dialogue with faith communities
5:30 – 7 p.m., University Center Ballroom
Open to the public, followed by a heavy hors d'oeuvres reception. Panelists include four leaders active in work at the intersection of science and faith. They are scientists who personally practice a range of faiths and bring a rich set of stories around how their own experiences have influenced their work. The panel is moderated by Steve Freeland, director of the Individualized Study Program at UMBC and himself a leader in work at this intersection.
Please join us however you can and share with others!