The Baltimore Sun just published an op-ed piece I wrote with UMBC SGA President Kaylesh Ramu about UMBC's culture and innovations in civic engagement. Give it a look and let us know what you...
September 4, 2012
2:19 PM
If you use Twitter, check out these UMBC-related accounts for news, opinions, ideas and opportunities, and to connect with the people behind them. There are far more than 40 useful UMBC-related...
September 4, 2012
8:31 AM
BreakingGround, which launched last week, is a true campus-wide collaboration: inspired in part by student initiatives, building on a variety of successful service-learning and social change...
September 3, 2012
4:09 PM
Kaylesh Ramu On Tuesday, September 4th, UMBC SGA President Kaylesh Ramu will share the stage with the U.S. Under Secretary of Education and other leaders as they launch Shaping Our Future, a new...
August 31, 2012
11:25 AM
If you weren't on campus for the past few months, here is just a little of what you might have missed: President Obama named UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski as Chair of the President's...
August 29, 2012
6:25 PM
I had the pleasure of walking ahead of the procession of new UMBC students down our main academic corridor to today's Convocation. Here is some of what I saw, including video of the addresses...
August 28, 2012
11:07 PM
I remember my first day of college very clearly. I'll bet almost everyone does. Mine took place on a Monday. I had an 8:00 a.m. class, to which I arrived absurdly early, just in case. When I...
August 28, 2012
7:45 AM
The Welcome Week Service Project on Saturday, September 1st (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., transportation provided) is a chance for UMBC students to meet friends, get your hands dirty, learn about...
August 27, 2012
9:01 AM
For almost five years, Co-Create UMBC has been solo enterprise. This semester, it becomes a collaboration. My Student Life colleague Craig Berger is going to start contributing posts along with...
August 22, 2012
8:49 PM
If you're an undergraduate who wants to make a difference on campus working with an enthusiastic team of students, SGA would like to hear from you. SGA has dozens of positions available for...
August 1, 2012
12:37 PM