At a recent gathering, UMBC Vice President for Student Affairs Nancy Young asked a group of students what made UMBC truly distinctive: the things you find only at UMBC. Maleshia Jones, President of UMBC's chapter of the National Society for Black Engineers, responded that she had already started her own list, which she had posted on her blog. Here's Maleshia's blog post. What a great idea!
My "only at UMBC" list would include:
- Only at UMBC is the largest indoor open space on campus lined with giant chess pieces
- Only at UMBC do students frequently practice dances, play Go and Chess, study, and hold student organization meetings in the same space (the Student Orgs Space on The Commons' 2nd floor) at the same time
- Only at UMBC is the big, crazy, fun night before classes start each fall called Big Crazy Fun Night
- Only at UMBC does the SGA award large grants to students to back their proposals to improve some aspect of the campus (through the Prove It! competition, which will take place later this semester).
OK, that last one isn't really "only at UMBC," because Prove It! has been imitated on other campuses. But it's a UMBC original.
What's on your list?
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