honored for commitments to mentorship and advocacy
February 17, 2016 by Megan Hanks Two faculty in UMBC’s College of Engineering and Information Technology (COEIT) have been named recipients of notable awards for their work mentoring students...
February 17, 2016
1:54 PM
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and CBEE Professor
Posted on February 16, 2016 by Roland King Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Tony Moreira was recently appointed by the FDA to be a voting member of the FDA Arthritis Advisory...
February 17, 2016
10:09 AM
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and CBEE Professor
Posted on February 16, 2016 by Roland King Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Tony Moreira has been recently elected as a member of the International Board of Directors of the...
February 17, 2016
10:08 AM
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and CBEE Professor
Posted on February 16, 2016 by Roland King Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Tony Moreira has been recently appointed by the President of the Republic of Portugal as an “Advisor of...
February 17, 2016
10:06 AM
Posted February 11, 2016 by CBEE Department This year, the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) hosted a Student Video Competition. The theme of the 2015-16...
February 10, 2016
4:09 PM
to be held at UMBC on April 12, 2016
Posted February 9, 2016 by CSEE Department On Tuesday, April 12, 2016, the CS Matters in Maryland project and the Maryland State Department of Education will jointly host a CE21-Maryland...
February 10, 2016
7:33 AM
Posted January 31, 2016 by CSEE Department CSEE professor Gymama Slaughter talked about her research to develop an implantable glucose sensor powered by chemical reactions in the human body...
February 1, 2016
7:23 AM
Former CBEE faculty wins Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Theresa Good, Former UMBC CBEE faculty member, currently Deputy Division Director of the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences at NSF was recognized by the American Institute of...
December 4, 2015
1:12 PM
Computer science students use technology to help vets
Posted November 23, 2015 Off-Campus Student Services UMBC students Damola Adediran ‘17, computer science, and Sarah Kirby ‘16, computer science, were members of a standout team at the...
November 25, 2015
7:27 AM
may discourage women from pursuing careers in cybersecurity
Posted on November 13, 2015 by Megan Hanks There is a high demand for fresh talent in information security, but the industry has struggled to hire and retain professionals from an...
November 16, 2015
7:07 AM