Campus and Local Part-Time Job Fair
Tue, 08/29/2017, 12:00 to 2:00 pm
University Center Ballroom
Looking for a part-time job on campus or close to campus? Then come to the Job Fair held on August 29, part of Welcome Week.
Bring your class schedule, UMBC ID (Red Card), a pen, and several copies of your resume. Hiring UMBC departments and local business will be on hand to talk to you about available work options. Be prepared to fill out application forms and conduct informal on-the-spot interviews.
Tue, 08/29/2017, 12:00 to 2:00 pm
University Center Ballroom
Looking for a part-time job on campus or close to campus? Then come to the Job Fair held on August 29, part of Welcome Week.
Bring your class schedule, UMBC ID (Red Card), a pen, and several copies of your resume. Hiring UMBC departments and local business will be on hand to talk to you about available work options. Be prepared to fill out application forms and conduct informal on-the-spot interviews.