12:00 PM - Welcome and Building a Community in STEM:
Sunji Jangha, Co-PI, National Science Foundation's USM-LSAMP Program
Director, Upward Bound Math-Science Program
12:05 PM - Deans' Remarks:
Dr. William LaCourse, Dean - College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Keith Bowman, Dean - College of Engineering and IT
Dr. Tyson King-Meadows, Associate Dean for Research - College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Dr. Katharine Cole, Vice Provost and Dean - Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
12:25 PM - Answers and Advice:
Addressing issues that have been posed within the first few weeks of class:
Tim H. Cox, Associate Director for Academic Advising, Outreach and Assessment
12:40 PM - Planning a path forward, toward a successful semester:
Sunji Jangha, Co-PI, National Science Foundation's USM-LSAMP
PM - Introduction to STEM Student Organizations
Light refreshments will be served.