The Learning Resources Center (LRC) offers workshops to help with study skills, math, and writing. Workshops are held in Sherman Hall, Room 354, 12-1pm on the dates below.
Study Skills Series
- Wed. September 12 Reclaiming Your Time: Time Management and Organization
- Wed. October 10 Study Smarter, not Harder: Building Study Skills and Finding Help
- Wed. November 14 Grit Going! Overcoming Procrastination
- Tues. December 11 The Nightmare Before Christmas: Mastering Finals Week
- Mon. September 10 How to be a Prime Math Student: Study Strategies and Test Taking Tips
- Mon. October 1 Dealing with Math Anxiety
- Mon. November 5 Perilous Pitfalls Part 1: Algebra
- MON. DECEMBER 3 Perilous Pitfalls Part 2: Calculus
- Wed. September 5 Transitioning to College Writing: You Can Do This!
- Wed. October 3 Entering the Academic Conversation and Citing Sources in Your Writing
- Wed. November 4 Why Are There So Many Citation Styles, and How Do I Avoid Plagiarism?
- Wed. December 5 Writing the Personal Statement: Outlining Your Strengths Confidently and Concisely