Turning Point USA is now establishing an official chapter at UMBC!
TPUSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote freedom. At UMBC, they hope to create a platform for free speech and open dialogue on campus, supporting existing clubs.
If you are interested in joining, please fill out this form. Additionally, as this is a new, burgeoning club, executive board positions will be up for grabs! We would like to congratulate and support our very own Ryan Sulkowski for starting and heading this chapter. Please email him directly at rsulkow1@umbc.edu for any questions, ideas, comments, and/or concerns!
Students may understandably have concerns about the formation of this club, and the comment section is a great place to voice them. However, please refrain from directly attacking or attempting to oust other UMBC students. We, the College Republicans, hope to hold an open dialogue in the near future with the help of other organizations at UMBC, so that students may voice their opinions, comments, and/or concerns with this newly forming club. Additionally, you may email me, Isaac Abiye, at iabiye1@umbc.edu for any additional questions.
Stay Civil!