We are pleased to announce the successful go live kickoff of KUALI Protocols for UMBC, our cloud-based electronic research administration tool. After several positive and successful tests UMBC’s KUALI for protocol submissions has an official start date of August 15th 2019.
What this means for you: online forms will now be a thing of the past and we will only accept IACUC protocol submissions through KUALI. From now on KUALI will be your one stop shop for sponsored Program’s and now Compliance.
For our current IACUC protocol users you will need to upload your current protocol into KUALI before any yearly reviews can be approved so please upload them ASAP.
Our Website will also be changing. We will no longer offer forms for Protocol submission but will instead provide you the link to access your KUALI protocol. Also, on our website we will provide you with links to training documents in case you have any questions. If you need additional training our office will be happy to meet with you one on one to discuss your questions in person or feel free to send us an email.
We also hope to launch KUALI for IRB soon so stay tuned for more information
Stay tuned for more information but for now remember to save the date 8/15/19.