UMBC is continuing to transition its research related processes into the Kuali system. Proposal Submission, Awards and Conflict of Interest modules have gone live and researchers are using these modules. The next step in the Kuali transition is the Kuali Protocols module. Protocols will replace current paper/email based submission processes.
The staff in the ORPC are in the process of configuring the IRB Protocols module to mirror the current human subjects research use protocol application process. Our process is two-fold: first, provide an interactive opportunity to look at what the IRB Protocol module looks like. We want to get your input on the design and content of the module from your perspective. Second, we ask that you help us test the system by entering a real protocol (one of yours) in Kuali. The members of the IRB are also participating in this effort; your recommendations are also extremely valuable.
The ORPC has created times to learn more about Kuali. All configuration sessions will be held in the ORPC conference room, bwTECH North, 5523 Research Park Drive, Suite 310, Baltimore MD 21228.
Please look at the ORPC myUMBC events page to find a date and time that works for your schedule. Bring your laptop to click through the steps or watch on our screen as we present. We look forward to seeing you.