RCA Council - May 2018 Meeting
Friday, May 11, 2018 · 12 - 2 PM
May 2018 meeting of the Research and Creative Achievement Council
Tentative Agenda
- Chair Election
- Export Control Regulations and Research by Dean Drake, Associate Vice President for Research, and Toye Jenkins, CIM, Research Compliance Officer
- Updates from the Office of the Vice President for Research by Karl Steiner and Don Engel
- Discussion on strengthening the capabilities of our students to further contribute to the research mission of UMBC by the Graduate Student Association (GSA) President, Roy Proutry, GSA Vice President, Adam Harvey,and GSA Graduate Research Conference Chair, Alex Rittle.
- Wrapping up the semester and academic year - Gunes Koru
As usual, everyone is welcome to attend the meetings of the Research and Creative Achievement Council!
Gunes Koru
RCA Council