Looking for a roomate
posted almost 14 years ago
Hello everyone,
My name is Christopher Gongora and just got accepted into UMBC for this coming fall semester. A little bio about myself, I am a born-again Christian and and just graduated high school in 2010. I have been going to a local community college in Carroll county and plan to finish this spring semester. i have been involved in the CRU at my college and am thrilled to meeting you all at UMBC. OK, enough of my life story. Okay the point I created this thread in the first place is because I am looking for a Christian brother that I can roommate with this coming fall semester. If anyone is interested or has any inquiries all are welcome. Just shoot me an email at (chrisg963@gmail.com). I am on Facebook as well: (http://www.facebook.com/chris.gongora) First get in touch with me through either my email or Facebook and if need be I will give out my cell number.
Thanks and God Bless!