SIGCSE-14 (the 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education), to be held in Atlanta on March 5-8, is the major international CS education conference. SIGCSE offers opportunities for students who volunteer to work at the conference to receive free registration. If you are really interested in CS education, attending this conference can be a great opportunity to find out more about the latest efforts in this area.
The call for volunteers is below.
SIGCSE 2014! See (and note that you
must ALSO register for the conference!)
Please encourage your students to register as a Student Volunteer! Each
volunteer works for approximately 5 hours, helping with various conference
management activities. In exchange volunteers get:
- to meet and work with other students who are interested in CS
- a full refund of the conference registration fee.
- to come to the student thank you dinner where we raffle off prizes.
- a free t-shirt.
- our undying love for helping make the conference a success.
Details on being a student volunteer are available at the above site. If
you have any questions, contact us at
Pam Cutter, Sara Melnick, and Steve Wolfman