Congratulations to the following faculty, students, and alumni for their recent accomplishments!
Matthew Baker, Geography and Environmental Systems, published “Drones to track one of the largest dam removals on the East Coast” in The Conversation.
Amy Bhatt, Gender and Women’s Studies, published “India’s sodomy ban, now ruled illegal, was a British colonial legacy,” in The Conversation.
Nancy Kusmaul, Social Work, was named as Book, Media, and Resource Review Editor of the Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Tara McMullen, PhD '14, Gerontology, received the 2018 Carroll L. Estes Rising Star Award from the Gerontological Society of America.
Derek Musgrove, History, comments on Washington, D.C. in 1984 in the article, “Wonder Woman’s version of 1984 D.C. versus the real thing,” in the Washington City Paper.
John Rennie Short, Public Policy, published “Campaign season is moving into high gear—your vote may not count as much as you think” in The Conversation.
Susan Sonnenschein, Psychology, and Rebecca Dowling, M.A. '16, Psychology, Ph.D. '21, Psychology, published “5 math skills your child needs to get ready for kindergarten” in The Conversation.
Susan Sterett, Public Policy, published “Law's
Presence, Law's Absence: Reporting Stories of Employment Discrimination in the
Academy” in the journal Politics
& Gender.