Congratulations to the 2019
Center for Social Science Scholarship
Undergraduate Research Awardees!
Mickayla Bacorn, “Comparing English as a Second Language (ESL) Education and the Importance of Location in the United States and Colombia”
Modern Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
Mentor: Dr. Tania Lizarazo
Rebecca Ferguson, “Homemaking in Baltimore: Centering the Experiences of Black Women and Mapping Community Assets”
Geography and Environmental Systems
Mentors: Dr. Dillon Mahmoudi and Dr. Dawn Biehler
Genevieve Madden, “Mixed Methods Analysis of Frame Propagation in Current Feminist Social Movements”
Political Science
Mentor: Dr. Ian Anson
Inaya Wahid, Ghina Ammar, Ayla Novruz, and Kayla Hinderlie, “Trait Anger as a Moderator in the Relationship between Discrimination and Heart Rate Variability in Emerging Adults”
Mentor: Dr. Danielle Beatty Moody