Adobe Creative Cloud now Available through myUMBC
This summer, working through the Maryland Education Enterprise Consortium (MEEC), UMBC established a faculty/staff site license with Adobe for their new Creative Cloud offering (see detailed list...
October 26, 2014
2:03 PM
Over the last year, we’ve been reviewing the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) organizational structure and focusing on building a broad and strong leadership team. As part of this effort...
October 26, 2014
1:22 PM
UMBC has become the third higher-education organization in the country to become certified for the Bronze Identity Assurance Profile under the InCommon Assurance Program. InCommon developed...
October 25, 2014
2:42 PM
Hybrid/Online Course Redesign for Summer and Winter Courses
Faculty who are interested in effective hybrid course delivery are invited to submit a proposal for this innovative faculty support program. The Alternate Delivery Program (ADP)...
October 22, 2014
10:34 AM
Faculty who plan to use clickers for instruction during the Spring 2015 semester will need to have device order(s) submitted to the Bookstore no later than Friday, October 24, 2014. This...
October 21, 2014
9:09 AM
If you routinely use the UMBC VPN ( and are a Apple Mac user we would strongly recommend waiting and not upgrading to the new OSX Yosemite that came out this past Thursday...
October 18, 2014
10:02 PM
Per the announced Fall 2014 maintenance schedule, the UMBC Blackboard server will be offline from 10 pm Friday 10/24 to 1 am Saturday 10/25. This downtime is during the regularly scheduled...
October 16, 2014
7:53 AM
DoIT will be moving several servers to a different location within our data center to provide them with better cooling and to utilize our space and power more efficiently. In order to accomplish...
October 15, 2014
8:01 AM
Hybrid/Online Course Redesign for Summer and Winter Courses
If you've considered converting an traditional, face-to-face course for either hybrid or fully online delivery, 2015 could very well be your year! A new, revamped Alternate Delivery Program will...
October 9, 2014
9:38 PM
On Wednesday, 10/8/2014, at approximately 10:10 the Engineering building data center suffered a brief power outage. This occurred during routine maintenance of our Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)...
October 8, 2014
12:52 PM