Obtaining a graduate degree requires time, determination, and commitment. It also requires you make some choices because a multitude of options exist. Let’s flesh them out.
Earning advanced degrees such as master’s, doctoral, certificates, and non-credit training, can help you move forward in your career in different ways. No doubt, deciding which route to take can be overwhelming.
Is a Graduate Degree For You?
Let’s talk about a master’s degree. What is it, and what can it do for you? Well, whether you want to pursue a specialization in your field, advance beyond your current job, or discover a new area of study, a master’s degree could help you take that critical step towards success.
Graduate Degree Types
For starters, master’s degrees can be either research- or course-based. In research-based programs, students work independently on a research project of their choosing, with guidance from department faculty. Course-based graduate degree programs require more structured time in seminars and lectures, but also usually have a research component. Let’s further breakdown the categories of graduate programs by type of study. These categories include programs such as Master of Science (MSc, MS), Master of Arts (MA), Master’s of Professional Studies (MPS) and Executive Master’s. The MPS programs are geared for working professionals and address current industry needs. Also, they are typically applied, and offer flexible classes.
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