If you’re deciding to go back to school, one of the largest obstacles may be figuring out how you’re going to finance graduate education. There are countless resources out there to assist you in finding thousands of dollars in scholarships, grants, and loans. You just have to know where to look.
Find Scholarships and Grants
Scholarships are an ideal way to help finance graduate education because they do not require any form of repayment. Thousands of them are available every year, offered by universities, companies, nonprofits, social or professional groups, individuals, and more. Based on funding in the area, specific major programs often offer scholarships. Many scholarships are available for those in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, and healthcare.
State or federal aid given to the university provide grants. Like scholarships, grants do not require repayment, but are usually need-based rather than merit-based. Research grants are available for a variety of fields, from technology to social science. They provide a stipend in exchange for your participation in new or existing research.