SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.- Gamma Chapter
Applications need to be postmarked on or before February 7, 2020
The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. is a professional organization of educators dedicated to the task of training youth of American to cope satisfactorily and effectively with today's problems, firmly believing that education to be a potent factor in maintaining and perpetuating democracy as the most ideal form of life.
The national scholarship awards one student that is enrolled in a teacher education and in their Junior or Senior year with a $1,000 award. The recipient must have at least a 2.7 GPA.
A scholarship is awarded to one Kappa Omicron Tau (KOT), or student teacher in each region
‚ Must be enrolled in a teacher education program in their Junior or Senior year.
‚ Must show evidence of need by declaring family size and family income.
‚ Proof of income must be submitted, i.e. W-2, last year’s income from appropriate government agency.
‚ Must submit an official transcript with a minimum GPA of 2.7 or higher.
‚ Attach a photograph (headshot) to the application.
‚ Apply through a Local Chapter Scholarship Chairperson.
‚ Must write an essay with a minimum of 300 words answering the following questions:
1. What are your career goals in the field of education?
2. How will your degree benefit the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., or fulfill the Sorority’s goals?