The ELATE Executive Committee is responsible for the governance of NCTE’s English Language Arts
Teacher Educators guides the affairs of the Conference. All Executive Committee members serve four year terms.
Assistant professor of secondary education, University of Maryland, Baltimore
County. Formerly: 9-12 English language arts and AP language teacher.
Membership(s): NCTE, AERA, AESA. Award(s): CNV Fellowship.
Publication(s): Articles in Teachers College Record, Urban Education, and
Journal of Multicultural Education. Program Contributions: AERA, NCTE, LRA.
Position Statement: Given the current socio-political context, it is important that
we are preparing all teacher candidates to position literacy, including disciplinary
literacy, as a social justice issue that enables pK-12 students to pursue a variety of careers, engage critically
in the world around them and be self-actualizing. As an ELATE executive committee member, I will
advocate for critical and transformative research and policies that are inclusive and reflective of the breadth
of pK-12 students, teachers, and pre-service teachers’ lived experiences, skills and talents.