Due to unforeseen circumstances, today's meeting has been CANCELLED. We will be rescheduling our meeting to NEXT MONDAY and will be announcing information about that momentarily. We apologize for the inconvenience but would like to inform everyone that this week, IdeaLab begins! Please stay tuned for more information regarding this as it will be announced shortly.
In the mean time, we encourage you all to reach out to other student's within the group and begin networking to build your startup and make connections. Many students have already submitted their ventures which can be found here. Additionally, if you haven't already submitted your venture via Google Form, please click here to do so. If you have any other questions, please email us at entrepreneurs@umbc.edu.
We hope to see everyone at this Friday's incubator and are excited to kick off the first of our many happenings!
The UMBC Entrepreneurs Executive Board