Do you struggle with presenting your pitch or wish you could get feedback on it? Your ability to effectively communicate your business idea is critical to your success. This is especially true when delivering a “Pitch”. Your pitch, sometimes in a matter of minutes or seconds, will determine whether a stranger will take an interest in you and your business or just walk away. When that stranger is a potential investor, partner, or customer, it is easy to understand how critical an effective pitch can be. This talk will cover different types of pitches with an emphasis on the investor pitch including what should be said and how it should be delivered.
Come to our workshop with Stephen Auvil, the executive vice president for operations and programs at the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) and gain some feedback and insight on how to perfect your pitch!
A little bit about Stephen:
Stephen Auvil is the executive vice president for operations and programs at the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO). In this capacity, he oversees TEDCO’s general operations, various investment programs, and other programs designed to support entrepreneurial activity in the State of Maryland. TEDCO is a technology-based, economic development organization that supports early-stage technology companies – especially those commercializing technology from Maryland’s universities and federal labs. Prior to TEDCO, Stephen spent 17 years in university technology transfer at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and the Johns Hopkins University. He has an undergraduate degree in biology and engineering science, and he has master’s degrees in business administration and biotechnology.