We are following our “Innovating in a Time of Crisis" Program with a
two part workshop led by Human Centered Design expert Tom Heffner for teams and companies that are looking to pivot, iterate, and design solutions during this unprecedented time.
This two part series starts this Friday from 1:00-3:15 with the second
on Friday, May 1st at 1:00pm. The program includes separate office
hours. Please register here.
Workshop Syllabus & Agenda
Workshop Description
This workshop is focused on teaching you advanced Innovation methods and principles using Design Thinking as the primary driver. You will learn what innovation is and how Design Thinking is a driver of innovation. You will learn to accelerate your decision making, collaboration, ideation, and ultimately your innovation skills. You will accomplish this by learning to use various Design Thinking methods and tools for research, analysis, synthesis and decision making.
Workshop Goals
This workshop will be most useful for teams interested in driving
innovation as an individual, in a community, or in a company/organization. It will also provide a system so that you can
repeatedly generate new ideas, concepts, and decisions. Once you learn this system, it’s domain agnostic. That is, you’ll be able to apply
these methods to new product development just as easily to service
At the completion of this training, students will be able to:
1.Upon completion of this workshop, students will understand what
innovation is and how design thinking can be a major driver of it.
2.Upon completion of this workshop, students will be able to plan
and conduct design research.
3.Upon completion of this workshop, students will be able to
synthesize themes, patterns, and insights from qualitative design
research data.
4.Upon completion of this workshop, students will be able to plan,
structure, and facilitate ideation and concepting sessions.
5.Upon completion of this workshop, students will be able to use
design thinking tools to frame, plan and execute a challenge relevant to their work, community or personal.
We have a limited number of spaces. Please register as soon as possible.We realize that the timing of this event is tight, but we are hoping to help teams as they deal with this crisis.