Just a reminder that Canoe and Scoop, our first volunteer event of the year, is this Sunday, September 30th from 10am-1pm. We will be paddling around the waters of Middle Branch Park and cleaning up debris from the shoreline.
Don't miss out on this unique experience, sign up for one of the 3 remaining spots! We'd love to start the semester out strong with a full event.
If for some reason you signed up and are now unable to make it, please remove your name from the sign up to free spots up for other members.
Also, today (Tuesday) is the first committee meeting for the Grant/Research Committee at 4pm in Commons 327.
PR/Volunteer Committee's first meeting is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12pm in ITE 239.
We hope to see you all again at either a committee meeting, Canoe and Scoop, or our next GBM on October 3rd.