Hey EWB,
We hope you're staying safe (& inside) during this crazy time. Even though we can't meet in person, we are still having elections! The Executive Board positions are listed below along with a general description of their duties:
President: develops and manages projects; representative for communication with UMBC and SGA staff as well as EWB-USA
Vice President: manages member recruitment/retention, plans and leads executive board meetings, develops/manages events, oversees exec board/committees
Treasurer: manages funds, ensures compliance with all financial rules and guidelines, oversees purchasing, works with fundraising chair to organize fundraisers
Secretary: manages communication within the group, manages public relations, records info from meetings, plans and leads general body meetings
Technical Chair: directly oversees committee project work, researches information for the project, oversees completion of project documents
Fundraising Chair: plans and executes fundraisers, locates alternative funding sources, leads grant application committees
Public Relations Chair: runs all social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and myUMBC, oversees outreach events
Volunteer Chair: finds, plans, and oversees volunteer events
In addition to the outlined roles, every officer is expected to attend a weekly Exec Board meeting and occasional project/EWB-USA meetings.
Everyone who is interested in running for a position should email a slide to umbc.ewb@gmail.com by April 6th at the latest. A google form will be sent out along with each candidate's slide for everyone to cast their votes. This google form will be due on April 13th, after which the winners will be notified and a chapter notice will be sent out.
Election slides should include at least:
- Name, major, year, picture
- What position you're running for
- Any relevant experience
- Why you want to run for this position/ why you think you should be elected
Feel free to add more info and be creative with your slides.
If you have any questions, email us! We hope to see lots of people running for positions.
- E-Board
PS: This is a tough time for a lot of people, so we encourage you to reach out to your fellow EWB-ers for support! Hopefully some virtual hangouts will be coming soon.