Hello everyone!
We plan to start our detailed design phase (implementation report) tomorrow at our regularly scheduled work session (every Thursday at 6pm at this link: https://hangouts.google.com/group/9Ma84HXi9esmguey5). Also, our next project meeting is scheduled to be Tuesday July 7th at 6pm and we will be discussing our progress with the chapter and our professional mentors (link here: https://hangouts.google.com/group/TW1XmmBXyc7UjhJw5. Everyone is invited, feel free to just listen in if you prefer!
The more people the better, so if you have extra time on your hands and are looking for something productive to work on this summer, you can jump in/join at any time! Internships and such are hard to come by right now, but our EWB project is still ongoing and is a great opportunity to develop your technical and professional skills. Below are some sources to get you started, but please reach out if you have any questions. We will help you learn everything you need to know!
EWB Boot Camp- learn about our chapter and current project:
EWB-USA Volunteer Village- make an account and find resources applicable to all EWB chapters nationally:
Alternatives Analysis report- see our most recent project work about comparing different chlorination options:
Join our GroupMe for more updates and casual project discussion:
-EWB Executive Board