Below are several UMBC resources to assist you as you navigate:
UMBC Information for COVID-19 for resources and up to date information.
The Counseling Center is open for remote assistant if needed. If you would like to speak with a Counseling Center clinician, you may call 410-455-2472 and leave a message including your name, email address, phone number, and UMBC ID#. Please speak clearly and slowly so that we have the information we need to be able to reach you
Tips for Academic Success During COVID-19 from the Academic Success Center. Visit the ASC for assistance with tutoring and academic policies.
The Office of Student Disability Services is open remotely. SDS remains committed to supporting students. Visit their website for a full overview of methods of contact and resources available from SDS.
Campus Life's Mosaic, Interfaith and Pride Centers are another resource available to provide support for any interested students.
Retriever Essentials is open for food or personal care item needs. Visit their homepage or join their myUMBC Group for updates.
Please remember that we are all here to support you! The growing list of First-Generation Faculty and Staff are available and happy to assist you. Contact us!
General Resources
Updates will be available on the UMBC First Generation Network Website