Graduate Assistant Advisory Council
Student Organization • 1008 people
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Current Issues

  1. Keeping free, quality health insurance
  2. Taking your feedback 
  3. Dialoguing  with administrators
  4. Editing the GA handbook
  5. Improving performance review process

  1. Keeping free, quality health insurance- Rising costs associated with the Graduate Assistant health insurance plan have led to the administration to seek proactive solutions. Insurers do not always give rate information to the administration in a timely manner, which can leave the administration with a short amount of time to make a decision for the upcoming year. We are currently researching alternatives that are  suitable to both Graduate Assistants and the administration in the event change is needed.

  2. Taking your feedback - We are improving communication mechanisms between the GAAC and all GAs at UMBC. We need your feedback on working conditions to understand the needs and desires of GAs. This includes a survey of graduate assistants and the development of a GAAC group on myUMBC.

  3. Dialoguing  with administrators - As part of the Meet and Confer policy, we meet and discuss your issues with the administrators of the Graduate School at least once a term.

  4. Editing the GA handbook - We have been working with the administration on the first update of the Graduate Student Handbook in eight years, including clarification of certain sections regarding sick and vacation leave.

  5. Improving performance review process - The University of Maryland System (USM) requires performance reviews of graduate assistants by supervisors on a yearly basis. We are working to find a way to encourage a high compliance rate, while also providing the most beneficial feedback to students from their mentors/supervisors.