Game Pitch Idea Run Away RPG
RunAway RPG 48 Hour Game Jam Thingy
posted over 12 years ago
Hey this is Jimmy, presenter of RunAway RPG. For those of you who missed the presentation RARPG is a game that is encourages players to go on a speed run of the game. The game is A 2d side scroller where the character bounds through the level running as fast as they can and destroying as much as possible while still beating the time. RARPG player's exp will be gained based on the time in which they complete the level. The less time a player completes a level in the more experience the player can gain through a time multiplier. There are three different styles of character a player can choose, close combat, long range, and mage. Each one has their strengths and weaknesses. It will probably use flat red ball or even game maker if no programmers want to work on the game. I'm going to post a basic image of character design on my blog by the end of the night. the link will be in the website section. If you are interested please post here. I will have trouble being at the entire jam since I have a NYC trip I am required to go on on Saturday from 7am till 2am on Sunday. Thanks for your consideration of my game project.
(edited over 12 years ago)