Game Developers Club
Student Organization • 62 people
Files / Officer Position Descriptions

Secretary Description

Officer Position:



Brief Description of your post:

The secretary is responsible for keeping track of what is said during the meetings. This is done by taking notes and posting them in the GDC forums/MyUMBC groups page under "weekly minutes." The secretary is also responsible for taking attendance and maintaining an updated attendance sheet.


What you’ve done in the past:


- Recording minutes at GDC officer meetings and at general meetings

- Take attendance at each meeting using a sign-in

- Tracking t-shirt orders with info such as name, size, design, paid/unpaid, picked up

- Completing miscellaneous tasks as needed/asked, usually having to do with recording notes



Things you wish you’d been able to do/ would like to see the position include in the future:

-Wanted to implement a weekly game dev. exercise, but couldn't due to schedule conflict. (not necessarily just a secretary's job)

- Suggest working with the past master to record detailed accounts of events and activities so that they can be archived for later perusal