Game Developers Club
Student Organization • 62 people
Files / 2012-2013 Meeting Minutes

10-10-12 General Meeting Minutes

10-10-12 General Meeting Minutes

Email Moriarty ( if this looks interesting:
Game Lecture thing 10-15, 4-5 pm
Game Jam Supervisor Dec 1-3

Version Control!
-very important to know
-Lets lots of people work on the same project and not have problem
-I'm lazy and don't want to write more about it
-Keeps earlier versions in case something explodes terribly
-There is a tutorial on the group page for using SVN
-Things to do before committing
--Update before committing changes
--Make sure things still work before committing
--Leave descriptive messages in the commit log
--Add new files the commit

-Changing it's name, "Kleptoclockers"

-Art direction and programmer set-up

Quantum Gene: