Game Developers Club
Student Organization • 62 people
Files / 2012-2013 Meeting Minutes

10-31-12 General Meeting Minutes

10-31-12 General Meeting Minutes

Topic: Portfolios for Artists
-Decide Strengths
-Show your strongest work
-Limit the time to show your work
-Should be about the time to construct an additional pylon in length(30s)
-Animators don't worry about colour much
-Timing is magic!
-Modelers cheat, the scumbags
-Concept artists do digital painting ALL! the time
-Normal Perspective Introductions
Final thoughts!
-Draw every day
-Keep showing your work
-Don't get emotionally attached to crits(chris?Critical hits?Invoker?)...critiques, really can't spell that out :| lazy


Project Updates:
--Concept for level and UI, platforming implemented

--Pulse mechanic working, artists are experimenting

Quantum Gene
--Core mechanics implemented