Game Developers Club
Student Organization • 63 people
Files / 2012-2013 Meeting Minutes

12-10-12 Executive Meeting Minutes

12-10-12 Executive Meeting Minutes

New member! Yay Michael!
Rearrangement of internal power structure!
-Andrew now Pres, Paul now Vice-Pres
-Alex Grube is out of here!

Website funded for this year, funding has to be dealt with next year.

DEC speakers and catering needs to be wrapped up.  The room is reserved.
T-Shirts need to be figured out.

No meeting Wednesday, sleep like a kitteh.
doopdeedoo, nothin' to do, writing like a boss, remembering to floss, rhyming though the meeting, figure out that seating, why would I try, when I could buy, lookin' busy, feelin' busy, doopdeedoo, nothin' to do.