Game Developers Club
Student Organization • 63 people
Files / Game Ideas 2014

Project Morph

Name: Anthony Romero

Game Title:
Project Morph (working title)

Game Format:
3D virtual reality

Most Similar Genre:
1st person exploration/experimental, light puzzles solving

Core Mechanics:
As you look at objects or focal points in the environment, they morph and change the way they currently exist. There is an experimental synth based soundtrack (composed by me) that would dynamically change with changes in the environment. Examples:
- Standing in a forest area with trees wrapped over you to form some type of "hallway." By looking up at the trees, they unbend allowing you to see the sky beyond.  
- Standing at the edge of some gap. Looking across it causes a bridge to materialize, allowing you to cross.

Unreal Engine 4 with C++. VR implementation is only available in Unity Pro, which is muchh more expensive than Unreal. Naturally, Unity isn't a viable option.

Proposer Role:
If chosen, I would like to be lead designer/composer. I can also do programming.

Looking For:
Programming and Art leads

Unique opportunity to work with a concept that could only be accomplished in Virtual Reality! There aren't popular design practices/genres in virtual reality yet. It's our job to make them.