Update: All positions will now be on a single ballot from the 17th to the 28th, since only one candidate is running for each office.
This year's officer elections will be held online. The elections will be held from 4/17 to 4/28, with each of the six positions getting two days. To run for a position, send an email to umbcgamedev@gmail.com by 1:30pm on 4/17 to nominate yourself, include your name and the position you're running for.
On 4/17, we will record the club meeting. Candidates will give speeches, and members will have a chance to ask questions. Elections will then be held online, with links sent out over both email and the club Discord. To register for voting, please post a message in the club Discord's #election-registration channel with your name and UMBC email (do not use an email alias). Note that only current UMBC students who are members of the club are eligible to vote.
A majority (>50%) vote is required to be elected. Otherwise, if no one has a majority of the vote after the first round of voting, a runoff election occurs between the two candidates with the most votes, and the winner of the runoff is elected. If you don't get elected to the position you are running for, you can run for any of the later positions in the voting order.
President: 4/17-4/18
Vice President: 4/19-4/20
Treasurer: 4/21-4/22
Secretary 4/23-4/24
Education Master: 4/25-4/26
Webmaster: 4/27-4/28
Position Descriptions:
President: Responsible for ensuring the club runs smoothly, delegating tasks, and running the club and its meetings.
Vice President: Fills in for the president when they're absent, often participates in event planning, and in general helps out where needed.
Treasurer: Handles fundraising, applying for SGA funds, and is heavily involved in event planning (especially DEC).
Secretary: Handles the club's social media accounts (myUMBC, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
Educational Outreach: Runs visit sessions and tutorials for elementary, middle, and high school groups. Assists new members. Works with game developers interested in speaking to the club.
Webmaster: Maintains and improves the umbcgamedev.com website.
Position Questions:
Consider addressing these questions in your election speech.
Consider addressing these questions in your election speech.
President: What are your goals for the club? How will you handle managing the other officers?
Vice President: What are your goals for the club, and in particular, club events?
Treasurer: How will you handle fundraising? What makes you qualified to be treasurer?
Secretary: How will you maintain and expand our club's social media presence?
Education Master: How are you prepared to talk with club contacts in a professional setting, work with middle and high school groups, and assist new members?
Webmaster: What are your goals for the website? What is your experience with web development?