GEC/WB Committees
Institutional Group • 15 people
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Summary of GEC Duties

Summary of GEC Duties


Course reviews for GEP designation – on going task through out the year.

            Instructions included below.


Review and reauthorization of existing General Education courses for departments undergoing Academic Program Review

            Starts in the late spring when the APRs are under process of review


GEC Assessment Review and Report

            Subcommittee of GEC (Chair, Jill Randles, Gust Mitchell, and Dir. of Faculty Development Center [Linda Hodges], working with Vice-Provost for Faculty Affairs [Pat McDermott] - summer

            This review is based on the Deans’ summaries of Departmental Biennial Assessment Reports .

            The subcommittee will report back to the GEC in the fall for discussion and approval of the report before it is submitted to the Provost.


            GEC Charge: “The GEC supports the achievement of the institutional learning outcomes at UMBC through regular reviews of general education assessment.   The GEC is not expected to critique specific assessment practices nor make substantive recommendations to departments on individual courses.  The GEC serves a monitoring role to ensure that general education assessment are being done and that departments are using assessment information to improve teaching and learning.