GEC/WB Committees
Institutional Group • 15 people
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Course Review for GEC Members

Instructions for Course Review


GEC Chair will receive the names of new committee members from the Senate and have their access to the GEC website granted.  If you find you do not have access to this site, let the Chair know.


The Chair will email the GEC with the courses to be reviewed before the next meeting.  If there is majority agreement that the course(s) submitted are acceptable for GEP designation, the course will not be brought up for discussion during the GEC meeting.

If there is disagreement or there are questions about a particular course, the discussion will take place during a GEC meeting.




Route to website


Topics, Teaching and Learning

GEP Committee Review (under Additional Resources at bottom of page).


Procedure for evaluating courses

Locate the courses that are under consideration.

Click on [notes] in order to see the application for GEP status. 

The syllabus for the course is accessed by the link, which will allow you to download a pdf file.

Rate your evaluation by using the rating system at the bottom of the application.

Please add at least a note in the box, so that I can see who has responded, and SAVE your entry.


General information about the designations and functional competencies

See Document/memo sent to all Department Chairs and Undergraduate Program Directors