Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) and The Gritty Talks Competition Winners!!
(GEARS, March 27th, 2019)
We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Three Minute Thesis and The Gritty Talks Competition at UMBC. Congratulations to all of you for your fine work! We are very happy to have you as the winners of the 3MT and The Gritty Talks. Please congratulate your fellow graduate students when you see them.
3-Minute Thesis
First Place Winner: Utsav Sashvatt
Department: Chemical Biochemical Environment Engineering
Program: Environment Engineering
Doctoral Student
Presentation title: Can we recover phosphorus from waste.
Second Place Winner: Deepa Gupta
Department: CSEE
Program: Computer Engineering
Doctoral Student
Presentation title: Neuroimaging to Meaningful Mind Theories
The Gritty Talks
First Place Winner: Antony Rishin Mukkath Roy
Department: Master of Science
Program: Human Centered Computing
Masters Student
Presentation title: Beyond Being Human
Second Place Winner: Deborah Farthing
Department: Master of Arts
Program: History
Masters Student
Presentation title: A 360 degree View of History